Inclusions of Workshop
- Access to internship database.
- Learn techniques to refine career goals based on exposure to industry insights and long-term aspirations.
Achieved Results

“Senior year of college is one of the most challenging parts of your college experience. The feeling compares to the overwhelming anxiety of receiving your acceptance letter, except this petrifying terror is from the unknown. I constantly remember asking myself, “What’s next?” and the answer was always very varge, or unclear.
My moment of realization came when I was sitting in my Business Marketing class and heard a presentation from Latoya and Norris. After their presentation they left most of my peers filled with curiosity, but for me it answered the burning question I had lingering in my head for months. I will never forget the eye opening advice shared by Latoya Pearson, she said, “As a millennial you must get out of the mindset of what companies can do for you, but go into these interviews with a drive to tell companies what you can do for them, how you can impact their business. Every interview you go into you should be answering with the STAR Method, providing what the situation is, what tactic you used, the action your took, and the result.”